by Danielle Deulen | Jun 10, 2021 | Lit from the Basement
With the boys old enough for school, Max went and got himself a job, and now we just do not have enough time to do the show proper. We hope to drop the occasional show in the future, but are uncertain if it will be back with the release frequency from before.This...
by Danielle Deulen | Dec 15, 2019 | Lit from the Basement
To the Fig Tree on 9th and Christian by Ross Gay Tumbling through the city in my mind without once looking up the racket in the lugwork probably rehearsing some stupid thing I said or did some crime or other the city they say is a lonely place until yes the sound of...
by Danielle Deulen | Nov 17, 2019 | Lit from the Basement
Autobiographical: Another Draft by Jacqueline Osherow It looked like a fifties-movie version of a mutant life form on a distant planet— but I adored it with a needy passion, called it my botanical Halley’s Comet since it would only bloom one day a year or so the owner...
by Danielle Deulen | Nov 3, 2019 | Lit from the Basement
Yours by Mary Robison Allison struggled away from her white Renault, limping with the weight of the last of the pumpkins. She found Clark in the twilight on the twig-and-leaf-littered porch behind the house. He wore a wool shawl. He was moving up and back in a padded...
by Danielle Deulen | Oct 20, 2019 | Uncategorized
Photo of a Girl, 1988: Cyborg by Faylita Hicks Somewhere, Carolina Standing next to my Momma, I mimic the exposure of internal systems, revealing an elegant smile creased white in the brunt of my dark face, blue grease slipping down the side of my neck. My...